
Therapists Need Resources They Can Trust!

Therapists Need Resources They Can Trust!

As therapists, we need help too! We need resources that can help us run our practices successfully, serve our clients effectively, and grow professionally and personally. There are many different...

Therapists Need Resources They Can Trust!

As therapists, we need help too! We need resources that can help us run our practices successfully, serve our clients effectively, and grow professionally and personally. There are many different...

woman writing in journal

Dear Therapist, It’s okay to let things be impe...

We live in a world that is constantly telling us that we need to be perfect. For therapists, that might be having the perfect office, coming up with the perfect...

Dear Therapist, It’s okay to let things be impe...

We live in a world that is constantly telling us that we need to be perfect. For therapists, that might be having the perfect office, coming up with the perfect...

New Therapists and New Drivers!

New Therapists and New Drivers!

Do you remember learning to drive a car? That was a long time ago for me! My dad patiently taught me in our four-door, behemoth Pontiac Bonneville, with a few...

New Therapists and New Drivers!

Do you remember learning to drive a car? That was a long time ago for me! My dad patiently taught me in our four-door, behemoth Pontiac Bonneville, with a few...

5 Myths About Being A Therapist

5 Myths About Being A Therapist

Did you believe in any of these myths in your journey to becoming a therapist? Most of us did and then figured it out along the way. Let’s debunk them...

5 Myths About Being A Therapist

Did you believe in any of these myths in your journey to becoming a therapist? Most of us did and then figured it out along the way. Let’s debunk them...

Defining Yourself

Defining Yourself

Dear Therapist: It’s okay to define yourself more broadly. We can easily get so pigeonholed into our therapist identities because of the intensity of the work we do and the...

Defining Yourself

Dear Therapist: It’s okay to define yourself more broadly. We can easily get so pigeonholed into our therapist identities because of the intensity of the work we do and the...

On Your Game

On Your Game

Dear Therapist, you’re still a good therapist even when you’re not on your game. This is something I’ve come to understand through experience, but would not have believed when I...

On Your Game

Dear Therapist, you’re still a good therapist even when you’re not on your game. This is something I’ve come to understand through experience, but would not have believed when I...